
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate
(Abandon all hope, ye who enter here)

– “The Divine Comedy” by Dante

Firstly, the shot. Absolutely love fire, completely a pyromaniac. Call me a cracked up teen if you will but isn’t there something so brilliantly mysterious, beautiful and powerful about it. It’s pure energy. And then there’s the finality of it all because at the end fire is the ultimate destroyer and that’s why I love the quote so much. It’s the line with which the Gate of Hell is inscribed according to Dante.

Secondly, Scotland!!! Had a great time and got some pretty stunning shots on the days when the weather was great but I’m not posting them yet because I’m far too lazy to edit them but I should post at least one this week. This one was taken in the hotel but very little processing was required.

And finally, for all those who didn’t visit yesterday (Shame on you!….nah, just kidding ;-)) please check out the shot and give me feedback on that as well. Also, I was considering putting this shot into my Top Shots category but I need you guys to give me the go-ahead.

Photo Editing: Nothing in Picasa (smile Suby! :-)). Levels and Colour Balance in Photoshop.

Nikon L101, 6mm, 1/39s, f/2.9, ISO 50

15 comments so far

  1. ana on

    fire is mesmerizing and fun.

  2. Suby on

    I will oneday get a good fire shot, i never seem to get it right 😦

    This works for me, good capture.


  3. choksi on

    not bad really catches the eye..btw it reminds me of “kerosene boy”

  4. MrC on

    fire is indeed a wonderfully enchanting thing .. i can stare at it for many hours!

    nice shot! nice words 😉

  5. Ashish Sidapara on

    Never tried it, but i presume its quite tricky getting the exposure correct. Benefit of doubt goes to you, hence a great shot 😉

  6. Roger on

    I love fire.

  7. Jens on

    Not easy to capture….but like in nature i stared at it for some minutes…:) Well done!

  8. [t e r r o r k i t t e n] on

    You can’t beat a dancing fire…as for fires in general I always assume that fires and hoisepipes are a guy thing. I could stand all day washing tings down and watching things burn. Phil

  9. G on

    So, you took this one at a hotel…what did you do, burn the place down?

  10. Puppatina on

    You’d be a good person to take camping.
    There absolutely must be a pyromaniac who feels it is their duty to keep the fire going NO MATTER WHAT!

    I like this picture. You really captured the warmth of your subject.


  11. Laurie on

    I have a fireplace and I haven’t done much to shoot fire. this is looking pretty good to me.

  12. Azhar on

    Quite nice, weelcaptured, likey.

  13. Zahan on

    Love fire too u know… I dunno if its my own imagination or what but i seem to see a face in the flame… like the appropriate quote too…
    P.S. Intend on killing u Choksi…

  14. crencefap on

    Great website. Are you attempting to play with my principal dilemma I have a nice fresh joke for you people) What would you get if you crossed a potato and a frog? A potatoad.

  15. Rciykihd on


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